KISS AND MAKEUP | Haul + Thoughts


KISS AND MAKEUP | Haul + Thoughts - Cassandra Myee

I feel as though I need to start this post with a reintroduction because it has been MONTHS since I last posted (since early February to be exact). 2020 has really been a very unforgiving year for all of us and my brainpower and mental state could only manage to cope with so much and unfortunately, it meant my blog got put on the back burner. It's not to say that I still haven't been buying new things and trying new products, because I still love doing that but I just haven't been able to think about posting about them! I have been doing the odd posts on Instagram and I am now slowly trying to get my groove back and create some new content.

So my first post back in a while is a classic CM style post, a beauty haul from a brand new New Zealand online beauty retailer, Kiss and Makeup who just launched in July. They kindly offered me a gift voucher to spend on their website, so I'm here to share my experiences and the products I bought.



As I have mentioned in my previous posts, I am playing a major catch up on my Empties posts from essentially the last 6 months! They have just flown by and I just didn't get round to writing about all of these pretty great products that I have finished up as of late. You will notice a lot of my favourites but some new ones thrown in that I have been testing.

URBAN DECAY | Naked Reloaded Eyeshadow Palette - Review + Swatches

URBAN DECAY | Naked Reloaded Eyeshadow Palette - Review + Swatches - CassandraMyee

I have started something quite dangerous with the Urban Decay Naked Palettes... as soon as a new one comes out it instantly jumps to the top of my wishlist. This results in me buying pretty much all of them as they come out which is dangerous because I know they won't stop bringing out different iterations and I will be overrun with more eyeshadow than I could ever need in my lifetime! Despite this, I still love all of them that are released and love the quality of the shadows so I know I won't be disappointed. The new Naked Reloaded Palette can be considered as the replacement of the OG Naked Palette that kicked off the phenomenon.

ADORE BEAUTY | Haul + Reviews

ADORE BEAUTY | Haul + Reviews - Cassandra Myee

When Adore Beauty contacted me asking if I'd like to spend some money on their site, I was extremely excited, not only because I love shopping, but I love discovering new online beauty retailers. Adore Beauty stocks a whole load of different brands, covering all your beauty needs. They're Australian based but ship to New Zealand for free, which is an absolute bonus and a rarity these days! They also offer Afterpay - if you are anything like me, this is a godsend (and also slightly dangerous).

I tried to order a good cross-section of hair, skincare and beauty to really experience all they have to offer and was very surprised by the generous gift with purchases and samples that can be included with your orders. Read on to see what I got and my thoughts on the products.

EMPTIES | May + June 2019

EMPTIES | May + June 2019 - Cassandra Myee

If you missed my latest post (The Comeback Cass - read it here), you will know that I took an unintentional break from my blog for a few months there. I mentioned in that post that I have a bit of a backlog of Empties and other reviews to get through and I still want to post them as they're still relevant and will hopefully be helpful to you. There are a lot of familiar products on this list from May and June but a few new products that I really loved and want to rave about!


I feel like I need to reintroduce myself. Hi, my name is Cass, I turn 30 next year (wild!) and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I started my blog way back in 2013 and since then have posted over 1,000 blog posts and probably 4x the amount of photos. I love beauty and makeup, and that is where this…
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