I can't quite believe it has been 5 whole years since I hit publish on my very first blog post. I've come a long way since then, not only as a blogger but also in my personal and professional life. I like to think my blog has grown up with me; albeit a slightly bratty and temperamental child at points, I have so much love for this world I have created.

Five years ago I was still studying in my second degree, I had just bought my first proper DSLR camera (the Canon 650D which I still use to this day and can definitely use it much better than I could back then) and I nervously wrote out my first post; an unboxing of a now long gone beauty box subscription service. The photos are embarrassing and even my writing makes me cringe (check out the glow up below!), but I wouldn't change that at all. Everything happens for a reason and those early blog posts, as cringy as they may well be, are all part of the story and part of the growth that is Cassandra Myee. 


I am immensely proud of what I have done; I never would have thought that all of what has happened over the past 5 years would come out of signing up for Blogger and making a website. I've met some incredible people, gone to some amazing events, tried a countless number of products from hundreds of brands, and had some unforgettable experiences such as being interviewed for a big newspaper feature last year and being part of the Farmers Christmas Catalogue photoshoot in December. It is all down to those who have supported my blog by following, visiting it, reading it, sharing etc; there is no way this would have grown without that (and of course, a lot of slog, hard work and determination from my behalf). I have to thank you all, and I especially have to thank my family, friends and in particular, my loving partner who puts up with my down moments of self-doubt and lifts me back up again, despite not really understanding the blogging world or knowing a thing about beauty and makeup!


To thank all of you reading this now, I would love for you to enter my giveaway. I have been stashing away lots of products from some awesome brands with this big 5 year anniversary in mind and I am so excited to give it away to one lucky follower/reader. The rules are simple and there are a bunch of different ways you can gain entries. So check out the below and also my Instagram and Facebook to be in with a chance. It is open internationally and will close in a weeks time.

Here's to another 5 years... how bloody daunting is that! I better get to writing...

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