CHEAP EBAY FINDS | Flat Contour Brush

CHEAP EBAY FINDS | Flat Contour Brush - CassandraMyee

The contouring hype is definitely at an all-time high in the makeup world at the moment. Brands are jumping on it any chance they get bringing out all sorts of contouring palettes and kits for everyone to have their hand at contouring. Now I'm definitely not into (nor have I really tried) the full-on contour, with the cream and the highlighting etc, instead I just opt for a natural taupe shade to try and fake some non-existent cheekbones, and a bit of highlighter to top it off. I have a couple of brushes I like to use for contouring, but I wanted to try out a more flat option, so off to eBay I went.

CHEAP EBAY FINDS | Flat Contour Brush - CassandraMyee

CHEAP EBAY FINDS | Flat Contour Brush - CassandraMyee

I was surprised at how huge this brush was, the handle is very chunky (as you can see in the comparison with the Real Techniques Multi Task Brush and e.l.f. Blush Brush). It has very densely packed bristles in quite a thick, flat formation. The pro for this brush is that the bristles are very soft, and feel like much higher quality then the price tag might show. As far as it goes for contouring, it's pretty good. The bristles don't seem to pick up much product which is great for being able to build it up, but I think the brush is a bit too thick to really give a precise contour.

If you're interested in trying this brush out for yourself, it's only NZD $3.80 with free shipping to NZ.

Do you have a particular brush you love for contouring?

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