WEEKLY COLLECTIVE #051 - Posts + Instagrams - CassandraMyee
Another week has flown by in an instant (they're getting shorter and shorter right?), and there was lots of beauty business on the blog this week, so here's what you might have missed.


If you're into all natural skincare, check out NZ brand Living Nature. I reviewed their new exfoliator and it's great for everyday use even for the most sensitive skin.

Where I finally bit the bullet and made my first ColourPop order. You can expect to see a lot more from this brand... I'm very into it.

I'm going to try and do these types of posts a bit more regularly, as you all seem to like them! This time around I went scouting for a flat brush I could use for contouring, here's what I found.


WEEKLY COLLECTIVE #051 - Posts + Instagrams - CassandraMyee

001. Tarte Blushes are some of my most favourite | 002. The brand new lipstick has launched from Karen Murrell. It's her 20th lipstick and is in the shade True Love*; a classic red shade | 003. Devouring these new Tim Tam* flavours from Adriano Zumbo, more very soon! | 004. Morning well spent; Drake, smoothie and magazine reading | 005. My growing collection of the Australis Velourlips Matte Lip Creams - these things rock! | 006. Ladies who cake | 007. I found this gorgeous triangle box, and it is perfect for some of my gemstones.

*PR Samples.

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