NOTD | Festive Edition - Faby + Urban Outfitters

NOTD // Festive Edition - Faby + Urban Outfitters - CassandraMyee

Seeing as we are only a couple of days away from Christmas, I thought I would share a very appropriate festive manicure, perfect for the holiday season!

NOTD // Festive Edition - Faby + Urban Outfitters - CassandraMyee

NOTD // Festive Edition - Faby + Urban Outfitters - CassandraMyee

You may have already seen a picture of this manicure as I reviewed a few polishes from the new line coming to NZ from Italian brand, Faby. See the post here for more information, but basically the nail polishes are great quality, and this shows only one coat of Chili Potion* and it was good to go. Over the top I chose to use a new polish I recently bought in America (see the haul here). It's from Urban Outfitters and is appropriately called Champagne Toast. The white and gold glitter mix looks great over the Christmas red and will be fitting for any holiday celebration!

What nail polish (or polishes) will you be wearing on Christmas day?

*PR Sample.

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