OPALESCENCE GO | Whitening Kit Review - Before + After

OPALESCENCE GO // Whitening Kit Review | Before + After - CassandraMyee

I am definitely one of those people who will always gravitate to dental products that have 'whitening' written on them, or will improve the colour of my teeth. I've got the mouth wash, the toothbrush, the pen, all in the hopes of getting whiter teeth. Although these things do work overtime they don't give amazing results, so when I was contacted and asked if I would like to try out a new teeth whitening system now available in NZ called Opalescence Go* from Ultradent I jumped at the chance. I mean, who doesn't want to have whiter teeth, right?

OPALESCENCE GO // Whitening Kit Review | Before + After - CassandraMyee

OPALESCENCE GO // Whitening Kit Review | Before + After - CassandraMyee

OPALESCENCE GO // Whitening Kit Review | Before + After - CassandraMyee

My teeth have always been a bit stained; I drink too much coffee and Coke and I love sweet treats, and although I take great care of my teeth all of these factors don't contribute to very white teeth! I was apprehensive about the kit at first, but after my first day of using it I realised how easy it really was. Opalescence Go is aimed at being an easy, at-home treatment; there two types of strength, a 15% hydrogen peroxide gel, which you only have to wear for around 15 minutes, or the kit I have which is the 6% strength that you wear for 30 minutes to 1 hour. You get 10 sets of trays for the upper and lower set of teeth and the kit is designed so you use it consecutively over 10 days, or you could do a 5-day stint and use the next five a month or so later, but for optimal results, it says to use it 10 days in a row.

The trays come pre-filled with the whitening product which you means you don't have to faff around with the gel and trays and fitting them to your teeth, and so on. All you've got to do is open up one of the sachets, pop the green bit over your teeth and suck down or swallow to get the inner white tray to stick to the teeth. The green tray comes off easily and I was surprised at how well the inner tray managed to fit around my teeth. I will admit it was a bit uncomfortable in the first few minutes, but I got used to it after my first day. You do the same with the bottom and teeth and I left them on for 1 hour each day over the course of 10 days. It has a nice minty flavour to it as well, so that makes it a lot more comfortable. The trays remove easily after the 1 hour, and you do have to brush them after because the gel gets stuck on and around the teeth.

I've always been a bit scared of at-home teeth whitening after hearing terrible stories of people getting a lot of sensitivity after using the Crest White Strips, but I experienced only a tiny bit of sensitivity and this was after my first two days. Following that, I didn't notice anything at all, which I was really impressed with.

OPALESCENCE GO // Whitening Kit Review | Before + After - CassandraMyee

BEFORE [top] + AFTER [bottom]
I gotta admit it was hard to get a a good picture especially with the different lighting scenario after 10 days, but hopefully you can see the difference. My Mum even commented after the first time I used them saying they definitely looked whiter and I had to agree! For an at home kit they did an amazing job and my teeth look much brighter and whiter.

This whitening kit is only available at your dentist and it costs around $175-$200, which in comparison with other whitening treatments is a lot more affordable. The thing I liked about this is how easy it was, and that it didn't cause any damage or sensitivity and best of all my teeth are now much whiter!

Have you heard of this kit before? Would you give at home whitening a go?

*Product sent to me.

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