It is hard to believe that my blog is 4 years old today and this will be my 892nd blog post (WTF!) My little blog baby is growing up, and wow the time has gone quickly. When I started this I had no idea what it would become, obviously I had big dreams and ideas of what the Cassandra Myee space would be but it has definitely morphed and evolved as my love for beauty has also grown. It's hard to imagine life without my blog, I will admit there are moments (they are few and far between though) when I think can I really keep on doing this, especially with a full time job and other life commitments but then I think just how far this space has come and how much love I have for CM. It makes me immensely proud, and so to celebrate I have got a big old giveaway to share with one of my readers!


I am stupidly lucky to work with so many great brands and to receive little parcels on my doorstep of new products and releases to try so it's time to share the love around. I have done quite a few giveaways in the past but there definitely hasn't been one this massive! There are over 25 products that one lucky person will be receiving! 

Unfortunately I can only make this open to New Zealand due to the nail polishes in the parcel, but I have to give a huge thank you to those internationally who visit my blog, comment and share it - one of my largest audiences is the US in fact and it still baffles me when I see the geological break down of where my page views are coming from considering I am in little old New Zealand! 

The giveaway will have multiple ways to enter through each of my social media and it will run for one week starting today (Saturday 22 July) and ending on Saturday 29 July. See below for ways you can enter and make sure to check my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the other ways to enter - I will collate all the entries and draw from those.

I am so excited about the next year to come and hope I can continue growing this platform and sharing more beauty goodness to you all! Thanks from the bottom of my heart. 

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