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There's nothing better than treating yourself to a pamper night every now and then (or maybe every week!) It's always nice to set aside some time for yourself and relax a bit. My pamper evening usually falls on a Sunday night where I do all of those beauty bits to get set up for the week ahead, and also have a few sneaky sweet treats as well. Here are some things that I think are essential for any good pamper night, featuring the new, delicious range of Tim Tam flavours from the dessert king himself, Adriano Zumbo.
FACE MASKS | feat. Tim Tam Coconut Cream
Any good pamper night is not complete without a face mask. Take the time to really give your skin a good cleanse, then slather on your favourite mask. My current picks are The Body Shop Tea Tree Face Mask and the Skinfood Mud Masque. If you have oily and acne-prone skin, The Body Shop mask is a winner; the tea tree helps to treat and heal the skin, and it also feels really cool when you apply it. For a deep clean, I've finally jumped onto the Skinfood Mud Masque hype, and now I understand why people are loving it! It's clay based so it really dries on the skin and you can see it pulling out all the gunk and oil in your pores and on the skin. It's grossly satisfying and it leaves your skin feeling mega soft after.
A GOOD READ | feat. Tim Tam Choc Raspberry + Salted Caramel
I know it's often hard to drag yourself away from the TV or computer, but taking the time to read is something that everyone needs to do, whether it's a book or magazine. I'm almost through Amy Poehler's Yes Please, and it's hilarious, heartwarming and moving at times. In typical Amy fashion she speaks the truth in the most hilarious way possible and if you are a fan of her, you will most definitely love this book!
THE MANICURE | feat. Tim Tam Red Velvet (a.k.a the best flavour ever!)
I love painting my nails; starting the week with a fresh coat of colour always put me in a good mood. It's a great chance to sit down and spend some time treating the nails, by giving them a trim, buff, polish, and then use a good coat of polish. I'm currently on a total Essie obsession (I mean, check out my collection here), and in fitting with the Red Velvet flavour, Sand Tropez, Blanc, or the very fitting, She's Pampered (the red shade), are great picks.
I want to hear what you like to do on a pamper night; what's your favourite face mask? Do you opt for a bright or more classic nail polish shade? Now excuse me while I go and finish the rest of the Red Velvet packet off...
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