MY 500TH POST - CassandraMyee

If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen my little hint that something pretty big was happening this week on CM... well here it is MY 500TH BLOG POST!! 

Yep, you read that correctly, today marks the day that I publish my 500th post onto CassandraMyee, and I can't quite believe it. I only just realised last week that this pretty momentous occasion was about to happen and I thought I couldn't just put up a normal post - this needed a special post all to itself. So with a bit of inspiration from Anna (ViviannaDoesMakeup), I put together a massive flatlay packed with some of my favourite products that I've discovered during my time blogging, and naturally had to shape them into a big 500.

When I first started CM in July 2013 (22nd to be exact), I honestly did not think that I would be at this point, 549 days later. I knew that I really wanted to put a lot of effort into my blog and see where it could go, but looking back now my brain would not be able to comprehend 500 posts. That is a massive load of words, 1000s of photos, and a lot of beauty products! It's cliche, but seriously I loved every single minute of it and probably wouldn't be here today if that wasn't the case. I owe everyone who has clicked, followed, read, commented, shared, tweeted, any of my posts a big ol' hug. Because seriously, you are all the bees knees and totally amazing.


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