ZA COSMETICS | True White EX Skincare Christmas Gift Sets

ZA COSMETICS // True White EX Skincare Christmas Gift Sets - CassandraMyee

There are so many amazing Christmas sets out there at the moment and this one from Za is just one of many available in NZ. This is their True White EX Skincare Set* that is only $39, with a value of $59, and is packed with three products to help brightening the skin tone and improve your complexion.

ZA COSMETICS // True White EX Skincare Christmas Gift Sets - CassandraMyee

ZA COSMETICS // True White EX Skincare Christmas Gift Sets - CassandraMyee

This set contains three products from their True White line, containing the Cleansing Foam ($14), Essence Lotion ($23) and the Power Block UV ($20). Each of the products are aimed to 'whiten' the skin and help diminish dark spots, and acne scarring which I suffer from. So far I've been loving the range. The Essence Lotion in particular is really great, it works like a toner type product and I can see a noticeable difference in the clarity of my skin after using this. I'm excited to see how it improves it as I make my way through the rest of the bottle! 

There are two other skincare sets available, one for Anti-Aging and another for Hydration, both are $39 and have a value far over this amount. The sets come with a large sized cosmetics bag in a super girly and fun bright pink colour, which I actually used as my makeup for my trip to the US recently. It's a great size and an added bonus to the skincare you receive. There are also a few makeup gift sets as well. You can get Za at Farmers and pharmacies across NZ and if you need some last minute Christmas gifts, look no further than these skincare sets!

Have you used Za skincare before? What Christmas set would you go for?

*Sent to me by Shiseido NZ.

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