CHEAP EBAY FINDS | Gold + Silver Midi/Above Knuckle Rings

So who'd of thought rings above your knuckles would be a thing!? It definitely took me a while to get into the trend but I really love the way they look and the best part is you can stack 'em up as many as you want (or as many as your fingers will hold!) You can buy midi rings all over the show, but I went onto the good old eBay and found some for a ludicrously cheap price in both silver and gold - so cheap in fact, you may as well buy both them in both colours.

GOLD // 5 rings for NZD $1.00
Honestly, for a set of 5 rings, you aren't going to get much cheaper than a dollar! If you have a few of them you can play around with stacking and wearing them on all your fingers, or on a couple. These fit very secure and although it takes a little getting used to, they aren't going to fall off!

SILVER // 10 rings for NZD $2.50
Silver is my colour of choice as I think it suits me a lot better than gold, so I managed to find a pack of 10 for less than 3 bucks! Although they are cheap, they don't actually feel it. The silver coating hasn't rubbed off or gone a weird green shade yet which is really impressive.

If you are after the same look of the midi ring trend, buying them from eBay is seriously the way to go. I couldn't believe how cheap they were! And if you aren't too sure about how they will look on you, $1 for 5 rings isn't really going to break the bank and is so much cheaper than buying in stores.

Do you like midi/above knuckle rings? Or is it a bit of a naff look? (My Mum doesn't quite understand them!)
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